Monday, November 11, 2013

Scraptastic Letter Frame!

Howdy my lovely blogger babes!

This lil crafty project came together in NO time! I'm loving the way it's turning out! I know it may look like the "k" is just a wee bit off but I promise it's the way the letter is made! CANNOT wait until this baby is finished!!! Now off to hunt through my stash and find some scraptastic embellishments! :) What do you think?

Finished product up on Etsy here soon!


Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Digital Studio ~ Stampin' Up!

My very first project with Stampin' Up! Digital Studio! I made the front of a Christmas card! Yay! Loving this software!!! Want to try it out FREE for 30 days?? You can do that here!


Blessings Y'all, ~ Whit ~ "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." ~Romans 15:13

Scraptastic Paper Mache Letters!

I am so so excited about the way these letters turned out!!! Many many more to come!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Project Coming To Life!

Lately, I've had so many (and when I say that I mean like all of the diy & crafts section of Pinterest to where I'm dreaming about it now) crafty ideas that they're spewing out of my ears! There are not enough hours in the day, for real! Man, let me tell ya, the things I could be creating if I didn't have a hubby, a job, kids...a life! But seriously, I'm way to blessed by what the good Lord has given to me! So I'll just havta squeeze my lil craftastic projects in where I can! Even if that means I get little to no sleep at night (and irritating my adoring hubby because he knows I'm tired as poop)!
Well without further ado (about nothing), I have started a new project after doing a-laaaa-hotttt of clipboards!
 I recently took a trip to good 'ol Hobby Lobby (Lord, forgive me when I go in there because it seriously hurts my wallet) and found these thick, standalone, paper mache letters. If you've ever been crafty or had the God-given talent of having a creative gene, then you'll know what I mean when I say "Oooh my goodness gracious I could do about a gazillion things with these"!  So, needless to say, I bought a couple to try out, even though my mind was saying "dude, get the whole alphabet!" As I was driving home excited....and feeling a wee bit guilty...I thought about doing the ever popular scrapbook paper mod podged to the letter with a few embellishments then voilĂ  voilĂ  a new piece to call my own!
However, I know I'm not alone in thinking out of the box when it comes to crafts, just to stand out a bit. So I had another teeny weeny product I bought at Hobby Lobby called a flower punch (bought on clearance thank you very much) that I used to cut out a crap load of flowers in 3 different paper patterns. Now the mod podging begins! Stay tuned for the finished product...
Blessings y'all!
~ Whit

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Etsy Shop Now Open!!!!

Shut the front door!!!! I am now the proud new owner of an Etsy shop!!! So flippin' E.X.C.I.T.E.D! Now I just got started so there isn't much out there yet, but I know y'all won't judge! ;)

Check it out here


In Christ's Precious Love, 
 ~ Whit 

 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." ~Romans 15:13

Welcome Welcome!

So, I've been seeing "blog" all over the place recently and loved the look and feel of each and everyone! I thought, "well I can do that!" on top of my crazy life (as if it isn't hectic, 3 young'ins, soccer, hubby time, cleaning, cooking, church, and my obsession right now....CRAFTIN') I thought this would be no problem at all posting and such. Great way to get all my craftastic ideas that have come to life to all you wonderful people out there! Then I found some free templates and fonts and got so totally lost in those that each and every day seemed to just slip away from me! Well dagnabbit, today I'm so on a mission to post and "Git'r Done"! 

Yay for Whitney!! =) Enjoy y'all and blessings to ya!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  ~Romans 15:13