Saturday, October 26, 2013

Welcome Welcome!

So, I've been seeing "blog" all over the place recently and loved the look and feel of each and everyone! I thought, "well I can do that!" on top of my crazy life (as if it isn't hectic, 3 young'ins, soccer, hubby time, cleaning, cooking, church, and my obsession right now....CRAFTIN') I thought this would be no problem at all posting and such. Great way to get all my craftastic ideas that have come to life to all you wonderful people out there! Then I found some free templates and fonts and got so totally lost in those that each and every day seemed to just slip away from me! Well dagnabbit, today I'm so on a mission to post and "Git'r Done"! 

Yay for Whitney!! =) Enjoy y'all and blessings to ya!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."  ~Romans 15:13

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